This is a pretty accurate description of how I felt when I left Iowa
23 years ago.

Mark E.
> Guess it is all though Texas Panhandle winters Wally.  I hate snow.
I hate
> the cold.  I hate the mess snow makes when it melts.  I hate
blizzards.  I
> hate awakening and having to walk around in a cold house.  I hated
> in line for the heater when I was a child and constantly getting
bumped out
> of the way because I was the smallest.  I hate having to put on a
bunch of
> clothes to go outside when it is cold.  I hate the north wind.  I
> winter.  I hate my heating bill each winter.  I hate the ice on my
> windshield.  I hate having to scrape it off and having to wait until
> defroster will clear the window.  I hate cold, dreary days where
clouds are
> everywhere; gloomy and sad.  I hate the trees, bare and naked
> leaves.  I hate seeing my pets shiver.
> Give me 70-80 degrees,  forever.

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