Heather wrote:

it may be difficult to find a hallmark get well card specifically for that

i want to know john's secret for this!

hope you (john?) heal soon.


actually it has got muc much worse. Hence I ams till up. I went to bed as noraml and awoke shaking, teeth chattering and in agony. I couldn't move my legs at first. With great difficulty I got into this room and called the er dr. well of course they won;t come out but offered to send an ambulance whcih i declined. what do i do with 6 dogs? so my gp will come here tomorrow.
right now I am wondering how i will get up from this pc and get to bed. The pain is juts about okay as I sit but any movemtn is excruciating. I am glad i spoke with the er dr tho as thru a series of questions, they ahev determined I don't have some awful disease, but an injury. tho how I got the injury, i don'tknow. i don't drink or drug so didn't injure myself in a blackout!

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