I hope I didn't sound like I was picking on you, Bob.  I didn't mean to.
I'm not sure where this perception of disdain comes from exactly.  Maybe I
am being over-sensitive.

I have been thinking a lot about writing music.  I seem to be able to do the
music part, but words have generally eluded me.  Maybe I haven't tried hard
enough to find them.  Also, I realize I am very shy about sharing my own
bits and pieces of songs without words - so much so that I have burst into
tears on more than one occasion trying to sing them for someone.  It is so
much easier to sing other people's songs than to dig into my soul for my own
songs (there's the fear that I won't find anything) or to bear my soul by
singing the bits and pieces I do have for other people.

Anyway, thank you for your reassurance and compliments about my
playing/singing.  It's comforting to know that you appreciate what I do.


On 04 December 2001 14:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
<<  I think you may be a bit over-sensitive on this issue, Marian...I've
obviously been pretty tuned in to discussion about covers here, and I can't
recall anyone expressing "disdain" over a lack of creativity...I admit, I
take a special delight in hearing a singer or band take one of Joni's
compositions where it's never been before, or simply being creative in their
song choice. But I think there's a value in them all! When I hear your
beautiful singing & playing, I hear your intense & sincere love of Joni's
singing and guitar styling that shines through every time! >>

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