My problem is I am just obesessed with it all. I love the new as well as the
old. I even like the old giving at whack at the new and verse vica.  Here in
the cradle of jazz AND blues I am sometimes oveerwhelmed by the past history
and my attempts to keep up with MTV and VH1, well I probably shouldn't go
there. Anyways I was just interrupted by Freda hollering that Stink was on
Leno and THANK GAWD I caught THAT. Geez is Russell Crowe *INTENSE* or
WHAT??? (I DO need a shirt like the one Stink had on though, but i digress,
yet AGAIN. Anyways I really hope Joni is writing and that we will have the
chance to hear more stuff that the masses can disect in one way or the other
and try to classify into their own perception of whatever. As long as she
plays some more, *I* will be grateful if I get it or not, cause I know that
later I might and if I don't I always have something to look forward to.

Blessings to all and to all a good...


NP-almost zzzzzzzzzzzzz

on 12/13/01 4:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 12/13/01 8:19:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << NRH is pretty much (dare I say this) a middle aged album - she sounds half
> asleep on most of it, the rhythms are plodding, melodies unadventurous and
> the chord sequences
> cliched. >>
> When did it become a crime to be middle aged?
> What makes plodding rhythms, unadventurous melodies and cliched chord
> sequences symptomatic of a middle aged artist? (Funny, I hear it more often
> in younger performers who haven't yet hit their stride or found their voice.)
> Why were the recording artists of my parents' generation given carte blanche
> to live and even thrive after the age of 40? Who gave Satchmo or Sinatra or
> Ella or Judy Garland or Nat King Cole or any of the legends of that era the
> right to be great and to express themselves after the first gray hairs
> started sprouting?
> Next time you wonder why Joni is reluctant to write or record new music,
> think about this comment -- and about what our youth-obsessed culture and the
> music business are doing to so many people who are not at all ready to be put
> out to pasture.  
> I'm sure beach tar hasn't touched her blessed feet in decades. Why should she
> be writing or singing about feelings or experiences that have nothing to do
> with her current situation which is, um, middle age?
> --Bob

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