>When did it become a crime to be middle aged?

>What makes plodding rhythms, unadventurous melodies and cliched chord
>sequences symptomatic of a middle aged artist? (Funny, I hear it more often
>in younger performers who haven't yet hit their stride or found their

It certainly is not a crime to be middle aged! All I was pointing out is
that I like Joni best when she is innovating, as she has done so often and
so successfully in her career. I don't see NRH or TTT as particularly
innovative works, for the reasons I gave in both original posts. I agree
that much music that charts today is just as deserving, if not more so, of
that criticism.

>Next time you wonder why Joni is reluctant to write or record new music,
>think about this comment -- and about what our youth-obsessed culture and
>music business are doing to so many people who are not at all ready to be
>out to pasture.

I don't really see myself as a part of that culture, my tastes are eclectic
and defined by what I believe is good, not what is new. The fact that I
loved TI and BSN and am eagerly awaiting the arrival of The Circle Game (if
that's what Joni ends up entitling it) clearly demonstrates that. The fact
that I even got into Joni (and Nick Drake and Keith Jarrett and Stevie
Wonder etc.) surely demonstrates that.

>I'm sure beach tar hasn't touched her blessed feet in decades. Why should
>be writing or singing about feelings or experiences that have nothing to do
>with her current situation which is, um, middle age?

OK, maybe I shouldn't have used the phrase "middle aged music", I didn't
mean to cause offence, I merely was saying that overall I personally find
NRH and TTT lacking in the essence of what makes Joni's music great.
Admittedly, what makes her great is not youthfulness, bur her pioneering
spirit. I don't care whether she's singing about beach tar on her feet or
pension schemes so long as she finds a new, interesting, Joni way to say it.
If you guys think that NRH and TTT achieve that then that's fine, bur I find
those two albums staid and unexciting. I can't help that, it's my personal
opinion and I see no reason not to voice it!


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