Paz wrote:

>Anyways I was just interrupted by Freda >hollering that Stink was on Leno
and THANK >GAWD I caught THAT.

Tonight Sting, Elton John and Daniel Lanois performed at a private estate as
a fundraiser for the Hollywood Sunset Free Clinic.  Sting must have dropped
by Leno on the way over.  And oh boohoohoo, I stood in line in the cold for
2 hours last night trying to get into the show and didn't make the cut
;-(  They were sold out and I didn't get in line soon enough.  The
management told us if some people didn't show we could come in but after
waiting forever many showed up at the last minute.  (Many looked to be very
rarified industry types).  Oh I'm middle-aged and have lost my edge ;-)  A
few of my line-mates were talking about going to the benefit tonight - it
must have been amazing.  If I see any reviews about the shows I'll post a


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