> Who has more to offer humanity, Joni or Britney? Put them both on TV tonight 
> and which one gets clobbered in the ratings? 
No kidding!  I don't think that Britney can even compare to other successful teeny 
bopper icons...while waiting to get my haircut this morning, I read a recent "Spin" 
magazine.  (Which reminded me why I canceled my subscription years ago...)  They were 
doing a "best singles" of 2001 piece, and listed Britney's "Slave 4 U" as one of them. 
 The article stated (I'm badly quoting from memory here:) "Not since Madonna crooned 
'Only when I'm dancing can I feel this free' has a pop song sounded so sultry and 
refreshing..."  blah blah blah.  I was offended that they even dared compare a Britney 
Spears nugget to a Madonna song, particularly one that has stuck around for so long.  
"Into the Groove" (while a trite pop song) has become an anthem, and I'd be very 
surprised if anything Miss Spears does will be hummed much 10 years from now.  Lots of 
style, very little substance.  Don't get me wrong: I love pop music: This week I'm 
going back and forth between Cyndi Lauper's (fabulous) Chr!
istmas album, the new Pink CD, Cou
rt and Spark, and a new Harry Connick Jr...but even I can separate the wheat from the 
chaff.  It also disturbs something deep in my soul when my friend's 6 year old 
daughter grinds her hips and licks her lips in imitation.  Something bad wrong is 
going on right now.  Britney Spears = BS.  'Nuff said.


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