Kakki wrote:

> You must surely be our premier Tolkein expert!  I have not read the books
> since the late 60s so maybe I will not be so disappointed when I see the
> film.  I don't see how anyone could ever perfectly translate the books to
> film - they are too magical.

Coming out of lurkdom to defend my fellow-countrymen, since LOTR was
essentially a Kiwi project!  I haven't seen the film yet - the queues here
have been ridiculous!  And despite several attempts, I've never managed to
make it all the way through the books, since I get bored about 2/3 of the
way through - and I usually read voraciously!  I read Fried Green Tomatoes
recently, in one sitting.

I'll pick up on Kakki's point though, and ask if anyone can name a movie
that has COMPLETELY captured the essence of a novel of this length?  Any
adaptation to the screen leaves something lacking, it's just inevitable
between the two forms.  Either the characters lack development, or some
"vital" scenes are lacking, to make room for more important story
development.  To fully capture the entire book, I think you'd need a 10-20
hour movie, which just isn't going to happen.  Peter Jackson is a Tolkein
fan, but he's primarily a film-maker, and he still wants a "successful"

Probably a couple of the best adaptations I've seen in recent years have
been Dolores Claiborne, and The Shawshank Redemption - interestingly, both
works by Stephen King.  Admittedly The Shawshank Redemption (or to give it
it's correct title - Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption) is a
novella, and therefore shorter to begin with, and some liberties were taken.
But the main "essence" was there in both films.

I'd be interested if anyone CAN name a movie that does COMPLETE justice to
the written form!

"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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