Kakki wrote:

> I was wondering when we'd hear the Kiwi defense! ;-)  Not to fret - Peter
> Jackson has been highly lauded here in many reviews.  I can't wait to see
> it.

I know everyone seems to agree that he did a great job with what he's
produced, but there does seem to be a feeling that he wasn't entirely "true"
to the book.  My argument is that he can't be, within the limits of 3 hours
of movie time.

> I've racked my brains but can't think of any film that is as perfect as
> book.  Didn't read the books but happen to think that Shawshank Redemption
> and Fried Green Tomato(e)s were two of the most perfect films I've ever
> seen.

You're right, they are both superb movies, but having very recently read
Fried Green Tomatoes (at the Whistle Stop Cafe!) and watched the movie
tonight (coincidentally!), again they weren't entirely "true" to the book.
That doesn't detract from the movie being superb - it still stands as a
great film, and the casting was brilliant.  But compared to the book, there
are a number of discrepancies, which is my argument, or the point I'm trying
to make!

There are great movie adaptations of books, but what I'm asking for, is a
movie which is EXACTLY the same as the book!  I don't think it can be done.
Like Kakki, I've racked my brains too, and can't think of a single one.  I
even once (in desperation) bought a copy of the "book" Waterworld, which was
apparently written from the movie script, and they even changed the ending
of that (and the book was the better for it - if anything could be)!

Another great film was Forrest Gump, but Tom Hanks was totally miscast as
the lead, despite the great job he did, and a huge number of liberties were
taken with the story.

Anyone else care to comment?

Hell - who (once again) appears to have opened a fairly large can of slimy,
wriggly things, and is trying to get the top back on fast!
"To have great poets, there must be
great audiences too." - Walt Whitman

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