<<It's more and more that i hear and read about Joni feeling like a 
playwright/director and i like it a
lot. >>

Just keep this in mind...with the possible exception of Cheech & Chong (a novelty 
throw-in that works splendidly) & the double tracked Indian voice in DJRD, Joni never 
used other's vocals upfront in her pre-Klein period, nor has she done so in her 
post-Klein period. But lo & behold, on WTRF/DED/CMIARS, we get all these duets and 
vocal throw-ins with people who JUST HAPPENED to have big hits at the time! What a 

My hunches have always told me that behind the scenes these pairings were not Joni's 
idea. If it WAS a natural evolution, like she says, why does she basically abandon the 
approach on her current records?

Harlem in Havana could potentially have lots of vocal throw-ins, but it doesn't. Same 
with "Love Puts On A New Face"...lots of male parts in that one, but sung by Joni. 
Same with "Facelift" & "No Apologies". And guess what? The songs are better because of 

Just food for thought.


NP: James Cotton, "down at your buryin'"

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