Kakki wrote:
Can someone point to a source that will explain what civil liberties of mine

> have been recently curtailed (other than extra security measures at the
> airport).

A good place to start is to look into the 342-page USA Patriot Act. While
you could argue that the Act, signed by Bush, was passed by the House
and Senate, they did so under pressure from the President and his
administration. The Act transfers broad powers away from the
legislative to the executive branch of government. It gives law
enforcement broad new powers to spy on citizens, conduct secret
searches of our homes, tap phones, and intercept email based on
any vague pretext of national security they may choose to come up
with. Typing a certain phrase into a search engine could be reason
enough to collect information on you.
A new category of "domestic terrorism" is so loosely defined that
a group like Greenpeace, blockading a harbor for instance, could
qualify as terrorists and be subjected to severe penalties.
If you happen to be an alien:
and you ever gave money to a group that becomes identified as
terrorist, you are automatically a terrorist.
Of course hundreds or thousands of foreigners have been detained,
imprisoned, held without charges since Sept. 11. Their families have
been dumbfounded by the stonewalling of the administration.
Bush has instigated the use of military tribunals which can arrest,
try without choice of counsel, convict and even put to death any
non-citizen accused of being a terrorist, ALL IN SECRET.
The Bush administration has intimated that it may have to resort to
methods of torture on certain suspected Al-Queda members it has
in custody.

["The recent words of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor,
who so often figures as the swing vote on pivotal decisions, do not
hold out hope for a vigorous defense of our political freedoms by the
judiciary. Following a visit to Ground Zero, where the World Trade
Centers once stood, the Justice bleakly predicted, "We're likely to
experience more restrictions on personal freedom than has ever been
the case in this country.""]

The struggle for civil freedoms is nothing new. Clinton vastly expanded
wiretapping, among other things. Martin Luther King and the
Suffragettes were demonized and harrased. More recently, LA cops
shot rubber bullets and attacked with clubs protesters at the
Democratic convention last year, and arbitrarily arrested and detained
600 people, some just passersby. The Republican convention in
Philidelphia was more of the same. Our liberties are at great risk,
the terrorism thing is a Trojan Horse for a power-mad aristocracy,
and we are no safer for all this than we were Sept. 10, when
terrorists waltzed right in. Maybe the FBI etc had better things to
do. Sidebar: I recently heard that the government jettisoned a
proposal (pre Sept 11) to install inpenetrable doors on commercial
jets because it didn't want a "regulated airline industry".
Sidebar 2: The new structure of military spending under Bush is
costing 1 billion dollars a day. While his tax plan gives billions in
relief to the corporados.
Other info on the erosion of our civil rights can be found at The
Partnership For Civil Justice website, a group founded by civil rights

>  Also, what has recently happened to curtail reproductive choice?

Bush Replaces Medical Associations with Pro-Life Orgs
as Delegates to World Health Assembly

Bush has long been supported by the Christian right, who, of course,
oppose abortion. Some members of Bush's inner circle have publicly
stated their opposition to abortion, even in the case of rape  victims.
Sorry I can't give you names, maybe someone remembers that
well publicized story. I believe the only thing keeping all this in check
is that Bush recognizes his chances for re-election would be shot
if he went too far on abortion.
If men could get pregnant, abortions would be free and paid for
by the government. And sanctified by religious groups. God's will
or something like that.

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