
>So the fact that there may be some direct or indirect benefit implies that
the right to be
> critical is precluded?  (Even though we enjoy the reciprocal benefit of
their participation
> in our market?)

No, the fact that I have to hear their constant drumbeat of criticism and
challenges against Americans while they benefit from our market (and miliary
protection and other support)  means I can reciprocate with criticism and
challenges in kind, even while I may enjoy the benefit of what they bring to
our market, including the comfort and excellent engineering of my German

> Our economic fate is more and more intertwined with the rest of the world
and likewise
> the rest of the world with us.  And it seems that nationalism will have a
> important place as the world economy evolves.  In my view, all
participants should
> have a voice, whether we like what they have to say or not.

They can say all they want and if I say anything back I deserve to be
accused of trying to stifle them?  Now THAT is stifling.

Our ecomonic fate has been entwined with the rest of the world for eons as
were many civilizations dating back thousands of years.  I personally don't
agree that we are obligated to bend over to people from other countries on
any whim of criticism they have of us. They can say all they want and
sometimes so can I.  I guess I'm just not enlightened enough but I don't


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