>America is the the most beautiful country I have ever visited,(at least
>the states i was in-VT, NYS, Maine and NH and CT) and I have visted
>about 30 countries.
Well Colin.. when you come back you must visit the south and the west.  My 
favorite states in no particular order
are:Kentucky,Tennessee,Arizona,Nevada,California,Colorado.  Kentucky is a 
definite because it is close to my heart.  And of course Ky has one of the 
seven (natural)wonders of the world:Mammoth Cave.  Oh and so much more!!  
You have the Lexington area when at times the grass really does look blue 
and time does really seem to have stood still.  And you can see the horses 
grazing and running knowing there are potential Kentucky Derby winners 
behind those white wooden fences.  And in the distant you can see these 
beautiful estates that resemble Tara.   Also,Ky has more natural lakes than 
any other state.  In the capital, Frankfort, where I visited many times as a 
child (my aunt and uncle lived there along with their seven daughters)you 
have Civil War museums.  IF you travel into Frankfort the old state route 
and not the highway you can see the stone walls that the slaves built with 
their blood,sweat and tears.  Quite a place to stop and reflect.   Daniel 
Boone and wife,Rebecca, are buried high up in a cemetery that overlooks the 
capitol and Ky river.  Quite Picturesque! (great place to picnic)  Oh yeah!! 
  The place smells of whiskey......Kentucky bourbon that is. There are 
several distilleries right outside of town.  I'll leave it here.

How many years ago were you in the states?   Any surprises?  Or were things 
just as you thought they would be?


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