Bree Mcdonough wrote:

> >America is the the most beautiful country I have ever visited,(at least
> >the states i was in-VT, NYS, Maine and NH and CT) and I have visted
> >about 30 countries.
> >
> Well Colin.. when you come back you must visit the south and the west.  My
> favorite states in no particular order
> are:Kentucky,Tennessee,Arizona,Nevada,California,Colorado.

Colarado and kentucky and perhaps Tenesee really appeal. the othjers don'e. Not
into desert.

> How many years ago were you in the states?


>   Any surprises?

LOADS!!!! The language is so different. Service was excellent. The best. Food
was good and cheap and plentiful(too much so). On my first day driving out of
boston along rte 1a I came across roadworkers gaurded by Police. this worried
me. i thought'shit crime is that bad they have to protect the roadworkers?'
Later I found out they were convicts. I didn't visit any cities-just very samll
places on my way around all the back routes. beautiful. Scary at times,
especially when i saw men with guns. The snow and frozen lakes and rivers ect
were stunning as were the mountians. Motels were easy to find. Weird I though.
In the middle of noweher and there is a motel or a diner! Bloody cold tho! But
then i chose that tiem of year. I love the snow.

> Or were things
> just as you thought they would be?

Not at all like I expected. I expected cabot Cove and genteelness like on Murder
She Wrote!

> Bree
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