So the RC's are finally doing 'something' about their abusing priests.
Any chance they will be jailed for life and stripped of their
priesthood? Doubt it. As for the Bishop of Boston, surely at the very
least he should be jailed for aiding and abetting serious crimes? What
will happen is we will get told a  load of claptrap and excuses and it
will be forgotten and children will continue being the victims of this
perhaps it will go someway to helping people see that priests are as
human as everyone else and not deserving of the exaltation they recieve.
(I believe no human being should be exalted over another-equal is
equal.) Of course, in many case people do not exalt priests and instead
exalt sport stars and film stars or musicians or 'royals'etc etc etc
Seems people will always make gods out of other people and pay the price

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