> Lots of priests have been defrocked already, some even before the
> current publicity. Some priests have been sent to jail.

that's good- that they have been amde to take responsibilty. It is not good that
there have been so many.


rahter than continue quoting: as i think you know, iw as brought up in the church
till early teens when we got involved witht he jw's.
I don't believe all priests are bad.

i am perplexed as to why you brought up the 'priests should be allowed to marry'
thing. (of course they should be) Having married preists will not stop child
abuse. Peodophilia is not something one does for lack of an adult to do it
with.(I am sure you know that hence me being perplexed).

To me the whole church thing, especially the way it is done by RC's is so
unBibilcal it just baffles me that it has so many follwers. The Protestent way
is  just as unbiclical.

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