6. Talk to Me ...Dirty! Alison will lead this workshop on how to get the most out of the worst words in the English (or any other) language. From f*ck to duck, we'll discuss all the important foulmouthed bits in Joni songs, including "pissing a tequila anaconda" to "kiss my ass, i said". As an added bonus, we'll discuss why so-called "clean" substitutes for real bad words (feck, heck, darn, dangit, crap, etc) should be once and for all banned from the planet. Co-hosted by Claudia. who swore once, she swears!
--- Jenny Goodspeed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I have come up with a list of potential > workshops for Jonifest 2003. Feel free to add your > own. Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes http://finance.yahoo.com