I apologize for being a bit high-minded and preachy in my rant on Mulholland
Drive.  I really thought "Blue Velvet" was wonderful but he hasn't "given"
us a straight story before that or since.  Not that an artist has to stay
still but David Lynch is one artist who I have to stay away from.  After one
of his films, I feel like I have nettles in my clothes.  I'm constantly
picking annoying fragements out and puzzling over them, only to discard
them.  None of them _mean_ anything yet he has a knack for annoying people.
We pay him to annoy us.

Have you ever been in a car wreck?  In the aftermath, as people are in
shock, they are in a nightmar-ish mental scape where nothing much seems
important and everything seems unfamiliar and disquieting.  Mister Lynch
puts me in that space and I don't want to subsidize anyone who produces that
much additional stress.

By the way, Michael, in the except of your post, below, you've made my
argument for me.  You say that you got something out of the film, yet your
lasting impression is one of nettles.  Why would you pay to obtain that
sensation?  :)


Mike said,
 I reserve my right to indulge myself as I see fit and if my choices seem
ridiculous to Lama, then so be it. No hard feelings.
   <edited>  BTW, you forgot to mention the scene in the restaurant where
the guy collapses after seeing the figure in the parking lot. What was that
about ?

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