Hi Jim/everyone,

Just to add a couple of obvious comments. One, the fact that we
jonilistas are always asking here "What does 'boom boom pachyderm' mean?"
and "notches liberation doll"  what's that? suggests that we are not
totally 'getting' joni's lyrics although we enjoy the songs. Why can't we
enjoy the movie unless we can all make sense of it if we CAN enjoy the
song when we don't understand the words?
Second, 'nettles' is kakki's word, not mine and although I don't object
to it, it seems to me that my question about the parking lot scene is
simply an unclear part of the film to me, and it doesn't really 'bug' me
in the way that 'nettles' suggests.
I would venture the opinion that nobody can understand/get all the
information on ANY movie in ANY single viewing. You spend two hours
watching a movie that perhaps involves (a total of) years of effort on
the part of many people. How can we expect to 'get it all'? An example;
do any of you remember the scene at the beginning of the film 'My Darling
Clementine' where Henry Fonda asks Walter Brennan a question, I think
about where the town is. Do you remember what happens in the close up of
Brennan's face? It's a fraction of a second but it sets up the whole
movie. I didn't see it at first, but every time after that, it's crystal
clear. OK, David Lynch ain't John Ford, but then who is?

mike in bcn


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