Mike wrote:
>My mail in response to two pieces from yesterday's digest #447 (by 
><mailto:blondeinthebleachers@;hotmail.com>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>and <mailto:SMC1254@;aol.com>[EMAIL PROTECTED]) was entitled 'slut whore 
>bimbo' but luckily I read 448 before hitting the send button. And there I 
>see a post from Yael which said what I was going to say in a much better 
>way so now I won't bother. Thanks Yael for reminding us that we, as a 
>group and as individuals, still have a long way to go as far as gender 
>bias is concerned. MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice were as equally untalented as 
>Cristina and Madonna but nobody criticised them in terms of their gender. 
>When are we going to get over this desire to insult people in this way 
>when we are unhappy with something unrelated to their gender, i.e. their music.

hey - i thought 'ice ice baby' was brilliant!

just kidding.

i agree with azeem that i don't think madonna is completely without 
merit... but then again, i was once of those little 10-yr olds with rubber 
bracelets all the way up my arm in 1985 (though i can proudly say i never 
had a 'boy toy' belt).

and also interesting to think about the race thing re vanilla ice then and 
eminem now. how is it the same? how is it different? i think, to eminem's 
credit, he grapples with this issue himself in his music. he seems to me 
more comfortable talking about race in hip hop than most people seem to be. 
not that i know a whole lot about hip hop, but folks should read william 
upski wimsatt's "bomb the suburbs" and "no more prisons" - did i already 
post that? its about hip hop, unschooling, philanthropy, organizing... by a 
young white guy from chicago. interesting stuff.

ANYway. mike from barcelona - i don't think i said the whore/slut/bimbo 
thing any better than you would have - i always appreciate your lovely 
posts for their content and their form, both!

peace out,
PS: anyone wanna offer me a job in boston? ;)
NP: linda thompson's new album - SO good, especially "evona darling"

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