Heather, I can't think of a male/male kiss on network
TV.  Hell, I've seen Karen and Grace share at least 3
long passionate kisses in the past couple years!  Poor
Will. Two women kissing is supposedly "hot"...but two
men kissing, that's another story.  

But, I remember when Ellen came out on her show and
they were reluctant to show her kissing anyone at

I am even more in awe of what I see on W&G when I
think back to the days when "Ellen" was controversial
- her show was the freaking Brady Bunch in comparison
and it was canned. 


--- Heather <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> that's a good question(s), jenny.  here's another
> one ... has a television
> program ever shown a long passionate kiss between
> two men?  i have seen one
> between two women (i'm recalling an episode from
> er). my guess is that it
> has to do with heterosexual male dominance in our
> society... maybe i should
> say 'united states' society.
> heather
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jenny
> Goodspeed
> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 9:41 AM
> Subject: Re: Will-not gay enough? NJC
> I agree 100% Colin.  That was a lame statement. I
> have
> also heard more specific criticism that we don't get
> to see Will in long term relationships like we do
> Grace.  Is this because he is gay?  Or is it just
> part
> of his character?  The show pushes and crosses over
> so
> many boundaries as it is, I don't see why they would
> be hesitant to show him in an affectionate
> relationship, but I'm not sure...
> Jenny
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