I wish the world would just get over it. I hate the double standard of
guys  like, going crazy when 2 girls start kissing, but the minute a gay
man appears...and I am NOT going to get into how many married/ straight men
lead double lives or have (gay)lovers on the side. I think everyone is
inherently bi-sexual. It just depends on where on the continuum you choose
to be. Some are totally straight, others totally gay. Some are bisexual.
Then there are those who are varied degrees of the above.
   The hardest part is being in a relationship with someone and not feeling
comfortable enough to express yourself. My boyfriend has complained that he
has a hard time keeping his hands off of me in public- like holding hands
or just touching my shoulder- something that 'straights' don't give a
second thought too. And I think that whole thing carries over into Will and
Grace. We saw the start of him dating someone, but no real intimacy- and I
don't need to see 30 second lip-lock to get the message to me. (Grace gets
all the romance, and Will is neglected!)
   So until the rest of the world is somewhat comfortable with it, I doubt
TV will be...
Just my $.02
At 09:56 AM 11/21/02 -0500, you wrote:
>that's a good question(s), jenny.  here's another one ... has a television
>program ever shown a long passionate kiss between two men?  i have seen one
>between two women (i'm recalling an episode from er). my guess is that it
>has to do with heterosexual male dominance in our society... maybe i should
>say 'united states' society.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jenny
>Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 9:41 AM
>Subject: Re: Will-not gay enough? NJC
>I agree 100% Colin.  That was a lame statement. I have
>also heard more specific criticism that we don't get
>to see Will in long term relationships like we do
>Grace.  Is this because he is gay?  Or is it just part
>of his character?  The show pushes and crosses over so
>many boundaries as it is, I don't see why they would
>be hesitant to show him in an affectionate
>relationship, but I'm not sure...


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