oh I don't think they are ready to show gay people as normal people yet. Nor in long term reationships. They prefer that people carry on thinking that gay men in particular, change partners as often as the weather changes.

Even QAF, which i think is evry good, shows a gay 'lifestyle' that is foreign to John and myself.
(they don't just show kissing on this show either but the whole hog.interestingly, although 'american' it ishot in Toronto. wonder why)

Jenny Goodspeed wrote:

<colin said>
There as many different gay people as there are any
other sort of person and in fact most gay people are not even visible to the naked eye! Why do people
insist on insisting that other people conform?(It was
a gay person who complained about Will not being gay
enough. How stupid is that?

I agree 100% Colin. That was a lame statement. I have
also heard more specific criticism that we don't get
to see Will in long term relationships like we do
Grace. Is this because he is gay? Or is it just part
of his character? The show pushes and crosses over so
many boundaries as it is, I don't see why they would
be hesitant to show him in an affectionate
relationship, but I'm not sure...

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