I posted something meaning it to be tongue in cheek and thought by 
posting that two of my favorite singers are Canadian singers would 
indicate that.  Obviously didn't work.  I apologize to every member of 
the list, especially the Canadians without whom much of the joy in life 
would be missing.

The point of humor that failed is based on that fact the US life is 
supposed to faster paced and more hectic than the slower paced, more 
relaxed Canadian life.


Catherine McKay wrote:

> --- vince <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >   
>>Well, on a White Sox forum that I belong to, one of
>>the Canadian members 
>>has a tag attached to his email that says,  "He's
>>not slow, he's Canadian,"
>I *so* don't get that. Is it because I'm Canadian? or
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