Like I told Vince a minute ago, I wasn't offended. I
was just razzing him with my smart-ass answer. As if I
haven't made my share of snarky remarks about United
Statesians. I could have put one of these ;) after it,
but I kind of forgot. 

As far as Joni's comment about "ambitious" or
"unambitious" voices are concerned, I agree with
whoever said (something like) she probably meant it as
those who try too hard, in an obvious way, as opposed
to those who are natural. Certainly Canadians don't
have a monopoly on unambitious voices. The sad fact is
that today we have foisted upon us those singers who
emote too much. There is certainly plenty of natural
(even raw) talent out there; likewise, there are
singers with lots of training who are also completely
natural and you'd believe every word they sing.
Unfortunately, the common people (for lack of a better
expression) seem to prefer the brassy,
over-emotiveness of the Celine Dions, the Mariah
Careys and a whole flock of ever-younger singers who
are more like performing seals jumping over vocal
hoops than creative entities. It does make you wonder
who's running the insane asylum. Do people buy that
stuff because they really like it? or because they're
not given much else to choose from? or because it's
just easier? In a society where people want to appear
cool and cynical, is it not ironic that our singers
overdo the (phony) emotion? I could go on, but I'm too
tired right now and I'm starting to bore myself, which
is usually a good sign that it's time to just shaddap
and move on.

 --- vince <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I posted
something meaning it to be tongue in cheek
> and thought by 
> posting that two of my favorite singers are Canadian
> singers would 
> indicate that.  Obviously didn't work.  I apologize
> to every member of 
> the list, especially the Canadians without whom much
> of the joy in life 
> would be missing.
> The point of humor that failed is based on that fact
> the US life is 
> supposed to faster paced and more hectic than the
> slower paced, more 
> relaxed Canadian life.
> Vince
> Catherine McKay wrote:
> > --- vince <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >   
> >
> >>Well, on a White Sox forum that I belong to, one
> of
> >>the Canadian members 
> >>has a tag attached to his email that says,  "He's
> >>not slow, he's Canadian,"
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >I *so* don't get that. Is it because I'm Canadian?
> or
> >what?
> >
> >
> >=====
> >Catherine
> >Toronto
> >
> >Post your free ad now! 


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