--- Catherine McKay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
>I could go on, but I'm
> too
> tired right now and I'm starting to bore myself,
> which
> is usually a good sign that it's time to just
> shaddap
> and move on.

OK, I lied. I'm gonna say more. Get over it. 

Some singers are way too laid-back for my liking too,
Anne Murray being the prime example of someone who
annoys the crap out of me because she always sounds
too anemic and mellow. I want to give her a good jab
in the ribs and tell her to spark it up a little. So,
she's at one extreme, and Celine and her ilk are at
the other. (How ironic they should both be Canadian.)
I'm also thinking (on the over-emotive side) of
singers like the various members of Destiny's Child,
taken together or as singularities. They may have good
voices, but their songs are so over-produced and
there's too much vocal acrobatics and not enough
genuineness in their material. Maybe they're too
young. Maybe if they can make it through the next few
years and just grow up instead of overdoing the drugs
and foolishness and turning into Liz Taylor or Diana
Ross, they can come through that.

I probably speak heresy here, but what the hell; Diana
Krall sounds to me like she could use iron pills or
something most of the time - and yet there are times
she nails it. I'm not sure if the voice matters all
that much, but you have to believe the person who's
singing. You have to believe they mean every word of
it. You don't need to ham it up and yet some "big"
singers sound genuine to me - the one that springs
immediately to mind is Patti Lupone who is a BIG,
BROADWAY BIG, singer, and yet she can convince me that
she IS the character she's singing, but I also hear
her sense of humour through the whole thing; whereas
Babs has gone way too far over to the Liz Taylor side
and takes herself too seriously ("Worship me! I am La
Streisand!") She was a lot of fun when she did comedy,
but now everything has to be a BIG PRODUCTION, and it
has gotten tired. On the other hand, she has also
taken a lot of flak for being "arrogant" and a whole
bunch of other adjectives that have been used to
describe Joan. 

Ultimately I suppose we hear what we want to hear. I
believe Joni prefers Billie to Ella, because Billie is
*real*. I, on the other hand, enjoy Billie but feel
sorry for her all the time; and I prefer Ella. A
chacun son gout.


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