It is a conincidence that I have been listening to and playing "Amelia" for
25 years and the same question crossed my mind yesterday:  What was the
false alarm?

My own take is that the reference is to an equipment failure in Ameila's
plane which she interpreted as a false alarm leading to her ultimate
destruction and that Joni's own "false alarms" in matters of love turned out
to be true alarms - ignored, in her case, leading to her own emotional


Bruce Kimerer wrote:

<< OK. After many years and hundreds of listens, what are the 'false
alarms' in Amelia?
In the Icarus verse I understand the false alarm to be a love affair that
didn't work out. But what about in the other verses? They all end in 'it
was just a false alarm.' What does IT refer to? There isn't an obvious
subject for the pronoun. This has been driving me a little crazy for
almost 30 years now. >>

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