--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hi Kate,
> It seems to 
> me this is a just war, and a necessary one.  It's
> hard to imagine 
> what the alternative would be, other than to do
> nothing and leave 
> Saddam in power. But the Iraqi people have suffered
> so long at 
> Saddam's hands - they deserve and need to be
> liberated and I don't 
> see how anything but an invasion will do that.  

Call me naive, but I can't understand how a group such
as the CIA can't get in there and assassinate the
bastard. Have I seen too many movies along the lines
of Mission Impossible and Spy Game? OK, so Saddam
apparently has a bunch of lookalikes running around
the country pretending to be him. So they could knock
them all off - I don't imagine they're Joe NiceGuy if
they're in on this weird game and it's better than
bombing the crap out of kids and innocent people who
have done nothing to us apart from being born in the
"wrong" country.


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