yes, i do consider this to be very put one's beliefs into
actions...i do not consider this idea to be either naive or facist...

the purpose of the human shield is not to protect a leader who we all agree
should be stopped but to try & stop a war that many do not believe is wise
or justified...

if we attacked iraq it would be the first time the USA has ever attacked
another country, unprovoked...that in itself is addition,
before we send our children over to fight a war in iraq, i would like some
real facts as to why this is neccessary & why this must happen now...

>>Hi Kate,

I wonder - is this courageous?  We wouldn't regard people who
volunteered to be human shields for Adolf Hitler as courageous, even
if the intent was to protect the German people, not Hitler himself.
We'd still think they were, at best, naive, and at worst, fascists.
I'm surprised at people on the left who oppose this war.  It seems to
me this is a just war, and a necessary one.<<

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