kakki, you are right, the usa has fought on foreign soil before without
first being attacked...though this time it appears we are not going to the
defense of a country but are on the attack...the reasons that those who
support the war give are several:

1) to free the citizens from a madman
2) because there are links to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 (so where is
this evidence?)
3) because the country has weapons of mass destruction...

there are those that believe war is the only realistic option before us but
i disagree...it is a short term response with long term consequences...& not
realistic at all...

there are those who believe that the solution must address the fact that the
usa is the worlds' largest arms dealer & i whole heartedly agree...war is
big business & our government has blood on its hands...

here where you can read more of what randy mentioned regarding the usa
editing parts of the iraq dossier http://www.democracynow.org/Zumach.htm:
"We have 24 major U.S. companies listed in the report who gave very
substantial support especially to the biological weapons program but also to
the missile and nuclear weapons program, Zumach said. Pretty much
everything was illegal in the case of nuclear and biological weapons. Every
form of cooperation and supplies was outlawed in the 1970s.  The list of
U.S. corporations listed in Iraq's report include Hewlett Packard, DuPont,
Honeywell, Rockwell, Tectronics, Bechtel, International Computer Systems,
Unisys, Sperry and TI Coating."

that's enough from me on this subject...

may peace prevail...

Kate Bennett: www.katebennett.com
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