Hi Bob :)

Yes, that was the intent. I have no idea about the actor who appeared in
both the original and remake(s). There were two remakes I believe, one in
the late 70's and one in the mid-90's. When Colin mentioned the term that
was the first thing that came to mind, but I didn't know it was a common
term with such a specific reference behind it. Any any rate, it certainly
fits the temper of the the times we are in and the Body Snatchers in
general is a perfect allegory for the group-think allegiances being
demanded by the so-called war on terror.

Be cool,



  To give credit where it is due, I used the term "Pod People" to
  the condition of being slavishly dedicated to
  an idol or an idea

I always thought the phrase "pod people" was associated with the film(s)
"Invasion of the Body Snatchers", to indicate the brainless "pods" who
were controlled by others. Was that the intent of the phrase.

Trivia: which actor appeared in both the original & the remake of the


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