vince wrote: >
In which war veterans remind us of the reality of the last 'war' in Iraq: In the last Gulf War, as troops, we were ordered to murder from a safe distance. We destroyed much of Iraq from the air, killing hundreds of thousands, including civilians. We remember the road to Basra -- the Highway of Death -- where we were ordered to kill fleeing Iraqis. We bulldozed trenches, burying people alive. The use of depleted uranium weapons left the battlefields radioactive. Massive use of pesticides, experimental drugs, burning chemical weapons depots and oil fires combined to create a toxic cocktail affecting both the Iraqi people and Gulf War veterans today. One in four Gulf War veterans is disabled. It occurs to me that most of these invasions have been about 'regime change'. We have a record of that. Saddam was one of our boys, as was Noriega and the Taliban. Papa Doc, Baby Doc....oh but we will be more careful this time. Three words... Follow The Money....