A belated post

In the event my e-mail of, yes my freinds, Margo and Michael surrounded by 
Holly Harris, Amy Brooks, Kristen Lesard behind the Hatch Shell has been 
delivered via e-mail to a select few listers I'm extending an interest in 
sharing the picture but i can't find a page to post it to.  There was a link 
mentioned last month if anyone can remember the digest number I'll search the 
archives for it.  

I'm refering to a subtle reference of "The Cowboy Junkies" mentioned here on 
someone's list.  My intent was pro-offered hastily while reading Lama's post  
aka Virgin Margo, not knowing who or why you mentioned her.  Clearly, it was 
a take on the film "Hours".

I'm happily sending my regards, inspired by the get together being planned 
tomorrow in Boston for Wally.  The DJ's from WBOS get lots of credit from me 
for their programs on 92.9 FM.   It won't surprise anyone in Boston if I'm 
there or not.  And, I can't have dinner with you.  Medical emergency, namely, 
my swollen chops.  So, Wally, Bob, Ashara, Anne, Mags, Chuck his wife, and 
any one else going enjoy yourselves much. 

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