
first off happy christmas, new year, hannukah, eid, whatever, etc to
everyone!!! :-)  ( i had a dead pc at home so i guess i missed all the
festive stuff!!)

so the other day i stopped at my local independendent cd shop to see about
these special offers they were advertising. they proudly informed me that
they had all the cds being advertised on tv at good prices.

ignoring those racks i went straight to the bargain bins - leo kottke, john
martyn, roger mcguinn, stevie nicks, inner circle - all for the ridiculous
price of R 20.00 (currently around US$2.50) each.

plus a further 10% discount for joining their club....

so just for the hell of it i asked them if they had travelogue. theyd never
heard of joni mitchell  (!!!) but they offered to phone head office - so he
picks up the phone - & asks them if they've got any copies of "WATERLOG" by
joni mitchell.

once id finished laughing i corrected him & he told me they didnt have it.

so off i go to the somewhat distant major cd chain which stocks quality cds.
i was most amazed to see that they have it in stock, and at a reasonable
price. so i take a listen to it through the headphones in the shop.

strangely enough - "WATERLOG" is probably a very apt name for the album...

probably nice - but not my cup of tea. compare it back to back with "hejira"
and its just not even in the same league.

so i went & bought rory block's "confessions of a blues singer" instead. wow
- not just in the same league as, but a serious contender with "hejira" &
"shadows & light" for the best album i have ever heard!!!!!


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