The arrangments are vivid and full-bodied if I'm in
the dark, open to them.  If I'm in a car, or writing a
post, they are irritating because they demand
attention.  They squak, like the thunderstrike in
"Paprika Plains".  Those at home will want to read
along silently, as I read aloud:

-- Original message -- Joni wrote:
"I dreamed paprika plains.
*********** Keeee- CRASH !!!!!!!!  *********
vast and bleak and
Paprika plains
*********** Keeee- CRASH !!!!!!!!  *********
and a torquoise

That's the part that's been on the verge of my memory
since I began listening to TRAVELOGUE!  If you go back
and listen to PP, that part, that overblown, overly
dynamic, bombastic pair of crashes is right out of
Vince Mendoza's songbook.  I'll bet that the folks who
don't like TRAVELOGUE generally didn't like PP either.

What say ye?

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