That is an admirable sentiment, but I don't believe it's realistic. We can't and shouldn't believe the best of a Saddam Hussein, for example, or an Adolf Hitler, or a Joseph Stalin. These are people who have committeed truly evil acts. At a lower level, how can we have positive regard for a paedophile who rapes and kills very young children? We might want to look at his upbringing, and we might identify terrible things that were done to him that caused his violent feelings, but we still cannot have a positive regard for him - to understand the cause of evil is not to condone it or excuse it. I disagree with the saying (was it Voltaire?) "to understand is to forgive".

I think it's a hang-up of Christianity that we're expected to have positive regard for all in virtue of their humanity. What's so special about humanity that we're not allowed to condemn human beings out of hand?

I happen to think we're a remarkably stupid species.

On the one hand, we can send people to the moon, perform miraculous medical feats, write stunning literature, produce brilliant philosophy. But on the other hand, we dip people into acid baths because they don't agree with us. We condemn the Third World to poverty and terrible illness, because the Catholic God doesn't want them to use condoms or have abortions. We make women cover their entire bodies including faces lest any passing man be "corrupted" by their bare skin. We kill people because they're witches. And so on.

This is all evidence of a profound lack of intelligence, in my view, made worse by our potential to be exactly the opposite.

THIS is why I oppose Islam (not Arabs) - because it is non-progressive, and we need progressive ideas more than anything else, I believe. I don't like Christianity either, but at least it's now virtually powerless, at least in the West, with even many of its priests admitting they don't believe in god.


At 8:59 PM +0000 01/07/2003, colin wrote:
I do believe that we ought to have positive regard for eveyone regardless of anything other than their humaness.

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