kakki wrote:

> All these topics of war and politics and
> anti-Americanism are constantly being discussed in my little group of
> friends and acquaintances in L.A.  Interestingly, all of them except for one
> are on the left and all support regime change in Iraq. They are the ones
> shouting me down if I express the slightest reservation!  As for the revived
> anti-Americanism movement (which is quite apparent and disturbing to
> everyone I talk to) the knee-jerk reaction among all is that we would dearly
> love to just pull up stakes everywhere and stop getting involved at all, in
> any way, with other countries.

Interestingly, that is a conservative, not liberal, axiom. One of the loudest
voices opposing our involvement in Iraq is Pat Buchanan. He can hardly be
considered a "lefty." And the vast majority of the American right thinks we
should pull our troops out of South Korea. The traditional Isolationists in
American History have been conservative. Even to the point of accusing
President Roosevelt of orchestrating the attack on Pearl Harbor to get us into
World War Two. That said, there is a difference between being Anti-war and


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