Colin, do not attribute hatred of Arabs to me. Far from it - I want to see the Arab people liberated, not only in Iraq but in all the other countries in the Middle East where they languish under dictatorships. It is YOU, it seems, who wishes to see them left alone to sort out their own affairs. But the people of Iraq cannot overthrow Saddam without foreign help. So if you believe there should be no foreign intervention, you are as a matter of fact condoning the torture and the repression. You can't have it both ways - you can't be peace-loving and oppose just wars. Peace often requires war. That is a sad fact, but it's a fact nonetheless.


From: colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Your hatred of the Arabs is based upon your ideas and interpretations,
not Truth. In short, ideas are NOT truth. they are merely our ideas.

There is no doubt that a small number of people who have power in the
middle East are indeed as bad as theyare painted. That is fair comment.
To label ALL of the people's of the ME as such is ignorant. The majority
of them are trapped. Tho as with most situations, it could be different
if people worked together and rose up and overthrew these people.

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