Hi Michael,

I must respectfully disagree with your point here, although I understand it 
completely.  The thing
about writing and speifically music, is it IS ALL personal.  However, we all can 
listen to a song
and it touches our own story within, it brings out an emotion and an episiode in our 
own lives. 
When we hear the interpretation of that specific song, from the author, it may very 
well have a
totally different meaning, but it is all about when that song becomes ours and what it 
means to

In a song uch as Cold Blue Steel & Sweet Fire, that is pretty subject specific and yet 
I know many
people untouched by heroin who can get totally immersed in that song and it's message. 
 And any
song about love can be a couple's song - even a break-up song.  So in the case of a 
artist/writer like Joni, we may know the true root of her compostions, but when we are 
back and in our own moments, can we not feel something completely different than Joni 
intended or feel the same emotion but for our own reasons?  Just my own observations.  

I would also say as a small time, no talent writer, I used to be inhibited for the 
very thing you
present, that no one would see what i was saying ... or understand me.  But the mind 
is a complex
and amazing thing.  When I began writing more I was always surprised at the parts that 
latched on to and that let me know to write with abandon and let people find what they 
need in it.
 So, write for yourself and share for others own self exploration.  

Okay I have pontificated much too long and the bottom line is Blue Hotel Room has what 
I believe
it takes to be a standard.  No matter what Joni herself may even say about this.  So 
sing it, all
you singers!


NP: Jeff Buckley/Everybody Here Wants You

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> As much as I love BLUE MOTEL ROOM, I don't see
> it ever becoming a standard -- the words are too
> Joni-specific.
> Because La Joni IS such a specific writer (which is what
> makes her so valuable and so unique), many of her songs
> belong to her and her alone. Doncha think?
> MICHAEL in Toronto
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