Hi Catherine,

When I used to sing this during one of my own "at home concerts"  attended by a cast 
of thousands
in my mind, I always changed it to "tell those girls, you've got Susie, she's comin' 
back home." 
Hey I'm a Leo! But I am planning on trying this one again since the voice in 5 DAYS of 
not smoking
is in my opinion making rapid progress back, can't wait to see what it sounds like in 
a few weeks!

All I can say is not smoking for someone else - had better pay off soon!  LOL!


P.S. Call me Anything but SUE!  Eeewww  
Catherine McKay wrote:
that Susan wrote:  
> > Okay I have pontificated much too long and the
> > bottom line is Blue Hotel Room has what I believe
> > it takes to be a standard. 

> I love that song. If you were going to sing it, would
> you keep the line, "Tell those girls that you've got
> Joni - she's coming back home"? or would you change it
> - what would you change it to? your own name? If you
> were a straight guy singing it, would you sing, "Tell
> those boys that you've got Johnny, he's coming back
> home"? Does that get too convoluted? Probably. 
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