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Full-name: FMY FL
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 21:45:24 EST
Subject: David Crosby-CPR concert (VLJC)
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Sorry Joni-only people, this should have been NJC, but I thought since so 
many of you are fans of CSN&Y, you might be interested.  My apologies if 
you're not.

I was hoping my best friend and fellow JMDLer David Mingus was going to 
report on this first, but after the CPR concert, he's very disillusioned with 
David Crosby. Maybe he might add comments to my thoughts.

Mingus knew the owner of the club where CPR was performing this past Saturday 
night, so our little group was not only given a front row table that butted 
against the stage, but we were allowed to show up at 4:00 when Crosby was 
arriving for the sound check.  Both of us have been long time fans of Crosby, 
as most of you are. We were told by the owner of the club that there would be 
plenty of time to ask him questions and take photos. We did our research, and 
read and reread Wally B.'s interview with Crosby from '97.  We just knew that 
Crosby respected and loved Joni's work.

I must preface the rest of this story by saying that this "bar" was 
originally a Morrison's Cafeteria many years ago.  After being vacant many 
years, there have been several bars that have come and gone.  It is now 
called Club Neptunes, and the owner has something *different* every night. 
She has brought in some well known singers i.e. Janis Ian, and next month is 
Willy Nelson. Some nights the club is for hip hop dancing, and other nights 
might be some teenie bopper night. This is a very small place. It's more of a 
dance place, but they do set up tables in front of the stage for concerts. It 
says that the place holds 700 people, but I think that's really pushing it.  
After playing in some very nice and much larger venues, I don't think Crosby 
was very happy about the situation.  Have any of you been in a bar in the 
daytime?  Not a pretty sight.  So for this, I will partially forgive Mr. 
Crosby for his *asshole* behavior.

We watched and listened as CPR did their sound checks. Crosby definitely had 
an attitude with the band during practice.  I was so surpassed when he 
treated the guitar player (Jeff Pevar) like crap. He was yelling at him that 
he wasn't singing loud enough over and over.  He told him he might as well 
not sing at all. (Mingus has this verbal abuse recorded).  Crosby soon 
returned to the bus out back, while the rest of the band continued with the 
sound check and just hung around.  Crosby's fairly newly found son, James 
Raymond stopped by and chatted with Mingus, autographed his Woodstock poster 
and CD, and was just as sweet as he could be. (Must have got that from his 
Mother's side). Ming talked to him about Joni, and he's even visited the JM 
website before.  Jeff Pevar even stopped by and was happy to chat and sign an 

We waited for a while for Crosby to return from the bus.  Now, it wasn't as 
if Crosby was surrounded by dozens of fans.  The club was closed to everyone 
except employees, plus Mingus, his nephew, and me.  Mingus had a few 
questions he wanted to ask Crosby, plus he was going to give him one of his 
photos of Joni and the Travelogue CD. (I know, I know..........many artists 
wouldn't want to be approached with a gift recording from another artist, but 
we truly thought Crosby thought so highly of Joni). Ming introduced himself 
saying he was a big fan of his and he thanked him for *discovering* Joni and 
helping her with her career.  He told Crosby that "Dawntreader" was getting 
rave reviews from her fans on T'log, and he presented him with his gifts 
(which Crosby received unceremoniously and quickly handed over to someone 
else).  Mingus asked him if he could ask him a few questions, and Crosby said 
"Nah, I don't think so". It wasn't as if Ming was going to ask him only 
questions about Joni, but Crosby was pretty rude in my opinion.

I was very intimidated, and as a certain jmdler told me last week "Crosby is 
not very approachable"...........but I thought the hell with it, I've been 
here all afternoon, so I'm going to at least introduce myself and thank him 
for what he's done for the music industry.  Regretfully, I did.  I said " Hi 
Mr. Crosby, I'm Jimmy Stewart and I want to thank you for all you've done for 
music".  You'd have thought I was going to steal his wallet.  He reluctantly 
shook my hand, and said a half assed thanks.

Now for the good part.  The concert started around 10:00.  (the opening act 
was a girl named Twinkle Yochim (Paz you have to check her out......she has a 
FANTASTIC voice).  Anyway, CPR came on and the SRO crowd went wild.  Crosby 
quickly announced that this was not David Crosby, but CPR.  This is where I 
was really shocked. I had not heard CPR before.  They were awesome!!!!  They 
played about 2 thirds of their music, and the rest was CSN songs.  I was 
amazed that David still has such a great voice.  When they sang any of the 
CSN songs, it was just like old times. Crosby, Pevar, and Raymond harmonized 
remarkably, and the crowd went wild.  James Raymond has such a wonderful 
voice, and definitely inherited his dad's musical talents.  Jeff Pevar really 
rocked on the guitar, and they all really seemed to enjoy themselves on 
stage.  You could really tell how proud Crosby was of James. He smiled at him 
several times.  This really helped all the negative feelings I had earlier in 
the day.  The crowd was really appreciative, and I think Crosby was enjoying 
himself.  He didn't talk too much, but at one point he was amusing when he 
was having to pull his pants up.  He said "That's the problem when you're 
shaped like an avocado"

I really enjoyed this concert, especially sitting 10 feet away.  I got some 
great photos of Crosby & Pevar.  Unfortunately, I didn't get many photos of 
his son James because his organ was in the way (no not that organ :~) 
)...........but all in all it was a fantastic concert.  Who knows?  Maybe 
Crosby was having a bad day earlier.  I'd like to think so, but he was still 
a butthead!

reporting from Ft. Myers, FL

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