thanks for the concert report jimmy & david...glad to hear you both enjoyed
the sorry to hear about your experience of crosby's attitude...its
too bad because it only works against him (or any performer) not to be more
gracious to those who are fans even if he is having a bad day (which it
sounds like he was)

from what i know of his personality he is always honest to a fault & never
pulls any when he's not in the mood to chat or concerned about
a sound during check, well i would not expect him to mince words...

this isn't an excuse of the kind of behavior you witnessed of course,
especially knowing what a kind & considerate guy you are...& he could have
excused himself from speaking with you further in a kinder way (if he wasn't
feeling up for it) but i'm not sure that is his personality...

HOWEVER, approaching a performer to talk before a show rather that after the
show is almost sure to be a very different scenario...& i've heard that
crosby is very approachable during after show meet & greats when he is
geared up for it (same with nash...stills & young on the other hand usually
do not participate...)

as nice as it was for the club owner to let you in, perhaps he should have
consulted with the performers on whether this was okay with them because
like randy says, sound check is when they are working  that time can be
EXTREMELY stressful if things aren't sounding good...

well that's my 2 cents for what it's worth..

Kate Bennett:
Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs
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