Look, this is degenerating into personal abuse, and I can't see the purpose of that. The articles I send are biased opinion pieces, and not really articles? Oh come on. . .

Read what I have said about infallibility. The Catholic Church believes it is capable of infallibility. What does it matter whether it has "used" this capability once or a thousand times? It believes itself capable of knowing absolute truths, and of pronouncing them.

And, with respect, you have written posts about the Middle East, but appear not to be an expert, and you have a right to. Similarly, I have a right to express a view about the Catholic Church without having to be a specialist.

At 3:55 PM -0500 02/03/2003, dsk wrote:
Have I said I do not respect your atheism? Have I ever said you must
believe as I do? No, I haven't. I don't feel that way. On the contrary,
I've said each person has her or his own path to find, and each path
deserves respect, even when it cannot be understood. Even when it seems
nuts. It might just be my lack of knowledge that makes it look that way.
Humility humility humility.

You seem to be confusing respect with agreement. I don't agree with your
view on the war. However, I show my respect for your opinion by not
complaining about, for example, the biased opinion pieces you keep
posting and labeling as "articles", which implies in journalistic terms
it's objective writing; commentaries are not articles as you well know.
However, post away! So I think you've been shown a much greater amount
of respect (not agreement, RESPECT) than you appreciate.

You obviously have little understanding of the Catholic Church. I said
infallibility has been used ONCE in the history of the Church and that
is exactly what I meant. So why you keep arguing as though you know all
about it is a mystery to me. And you continue to not listen when people
who do have first-hand knowledge have something to say about it all. It
is not your lack of agreement with me that bothers me, it is your
disdain for something you only know the surface of that does bother me.
A lot. To the point where I'm angry about it.

If your disdain for something you know little about is your way of
expressing the value of your atheism, well, surely there's a more
positive way for you to do that.

Trashing something you don't even know about in order to prove your
position just makes you look fearful of the value of your position.

And why do you need to explain your atheism anyway? Who other than you
cares about it?
My mention of the Catholic Church is to counter the inaccurate
information being posted. Otherwise, really, I have no need to give
speeches about what it means, for me, to be a Catholic.

So sputter and spit if you wish, that's all I have to say about it.

Debra Shea

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