Sarah wrote to Debra:

Look, this is degenerating into personal abuse, and I can't see the purpose of that. The articles I send are biased opinion pieces, and not really articles? Oh come on. . .

Read what I have said about infallibility. The Catholic Church believes it is capable of infallibility. What does it matter whether it has "used" this capability once or a thousand times? It believes itself capable of knowing absolute truths, and of pronouncing them.

And, with respect, you have written posts about the Middle East, but appear not to be an expert, and you have a right to. Similarly, I have a right to express a view about the Catholic Church without having to be a specialist.

In other words, "oh come on" to Debra, and no personal abuse, but then, Sarah says, Debra "appear[s] not to be an expert..." on what Debra posts about. Do you really, Sarah, fail to see that you are insulting Debra, calling her not an expert, for disagreeing with you? I ask this, do you really fail to see how you insult others while saying that you see no purpose in it?

As far as infallibility: it makes a huge difference, regarding a doctrine that was promulgated in 1870 and used once, in 1950. It is not a matter of interpretation there but simple factual knowledge, and very important in understanding what a church body confesses and does and is about. "What does it matter..." is at the least, a very unusual intellectual stance.

And with Debra, enough said. I am out of this. I am tired of this. Debra, make me a caffeine free diet coke with lime, I'll bring chipotle chips, lets turn off the computers, and lets curl up and watch "Dogma" tonight!


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