Sarah wrote to Mary: I haven't seen a lot of respect , on
this list, from
people who are opposed to the war for people who support
the war. 

Vince replies: I haven't seen respect the other way, and I
think you have been accorded a great deal of respect.

Sarah wrote to Mary:  And I don't see much respect in your
post either.

Vince comments:  You are just plain wrong.  If anyone on
this board is always respectful of others, it is Mary P.
  I suppose that living with that chip on your shoulder
makes standing up tough.  Mary P. was very respectful of
you - she happened to disagree with you.  I suppose when
people disagree with you, you take that as disrespect .
 Living with the martyr's complex that you have, you never
have to examine the treuth of what you believe, do you.  

Sarah wrote to Mary: But open-mindedness must have its

Vince observes: this from the same person who demanded rthe
roight to doismiss peoples and cultures "out of hand" and
attacked verious other peoples' religions.  

Sarah wrote to Mary: My mother was a catholic, as were
both her parents, so I know that individual catholics can
be good people...

Vince sighs with relief: thank you we were all awaiting
your judgment on whether individual catholics can be good

Sarah wrote to Mary: You expect me to respect your
Catholicism and your criticism, but you won't respect my
atheism or my criticism.

(the Rev) Vince replies:  Bullshit.   First of all, Mary P.
respects people fully.  I know her, and I read what she
wrote to you.  Atheists, including you iof you are one,
have always been respected in the JMDL.  In fact, it is
some of us deep believer types that have taken to task
anyone who has dis-respected the validity of atheism.   

Sarah wrote to Mary: And I don't know what you mean when
you say the pope has only spoken ex cathedra once in the
history of the church.

Vince, M.Div., replies: what Mary meant was that the pope
has only spoken ex cathedra once in the history of the
church.  A little research in the history of what yopu talk
about what reveal something you could learn.  Sarah: the
pope has only spoken ex cathedra once in the history of the
church.  Matter of historical fact.  It happened in 1950.

Sarah wrote: In all other matters, error is ALWAYS

(Bishop) Vince, M.Div. comments: your description in a
prior post as to the nature and purpose of the Reformation
was in error, as is much of how you categorized Roman
Catholics.  As a protestant, I found much, much to disagree
with in how you spoke of the Reformation.  As a Christian,
I found your desciption of Roman Catholics very lacking in
substance.  As a long time member of the JMDL, I found your
attack on the faith of others just one attack that you have
made on the faiths of other peoples.  And in my many years
in the JMDL, I still wince what that happens, because you
are the only persopn to disrespect other peoples' faiths.
 First islam, now Roman Catholicsm.  Who do you attack
next?  Hiundus?  Protestants?  Buddhists?  Animists?  One
waits with great reluctance... 

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