evry person alive has a belief system. It iis how we itnerect with life.
Those beliefs are not alwsy 'good' and I and everyone else do comdemn them.

The belief that people of a different race to one's own are infferior.
The belief that poeple of a different gender are inferior.
The belief that poeple of a different sexuality are inferior.
The belief that it is okay to have sex with children.
The belief that is okay to hit children.
The belief that people are born wicked and must be saved.
The belief that God made woman inferior to man .
The belif that it is okay to indoctinate children into a particular religious belief.
The belief thatis okay to mutilate children in the name or held belifs(circumscision of male and female children)
The belief that those who think differently from us are evil.

I condemn ALL of those beliefs. I don't comdemn the people that hold them as I believe all people can change.

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