Colin, I'm glad you pointed this out because I eat a lot of olive oil and I didn't realize it was as high as 14 per cent. But I know what you're saying about the carbs being the culprit is true. I also took to heart what you said about sweetener the other day, that the body can't distinguish and the addiction is prolonged. I am virtually addicted to sweetener - I put it on/in everything - so I've started cutting down and aim to stop it completely. I use one that doesn't have aspartame in it, but even so, I think you're right about the brain not being able to tell one kind of sweetness from another.


At 10:00 AM +0000 02/05/2003, colin wrote:
but you see staurated fat is not 'worse' or 'good'-it is indiferent.. anything in excess is not likely to be good. However, if one eats a diet that islow in carbs, the only thing to really watch and not just for fatties but for skinnnies too, everyhting else will fall into place. You fat itake will reduce naturally with having to use lean meats which lose the flavour, without doing without butter etc. With the CARBS(see I can spell it!), fat becomes benign as well as it's intake being elssened.

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