Colin, I'm glad you pointed this out because I eat a lot of olive oil and I didn't realize it was as high as 14 per cent. But I know what you're saying about the carbs being the culprit is true. I also took to heart what you said about sweetener the other day, that the body can't distinguish and the addiction is prolonged. I am virtually addicted to sweetener - I put it on/in everything -
forunately for me, I have always HATED the taste of artificial sweeteners. I am more of savoury man myself tho i do LOVE Haggen Daz and pecan and maple pie!

I alwsy think it srtange when isee people munching a high carb highcalorie meal and then wash ti down with a diet drink! My skinny partner always droank diet coke till I told him how bad it was for him. Now he drinks the real stuff. Just as bad!

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