heather>>a long time ago, at a lower point in my life, i had to do this ...
welfare and tuition assistance program (tap).  this was in the late 70's.
it is no picnic.  i was congratulated by those in charge for actually being
a success story for the system.<<

me too...when i became a single mom i started out working but i only made
enough to pay for my child's day care...the job situation was pretty dismal,
there were other basic costs such as rent, food medical...so, desparate for
other options & found out that if i returned to school that i could receive
childcare (free, on campus), basic medical care (medi-cal), tuition
assistance (pell grants), & a work study job on campus (part of a student
aid package), food stamps & welfare cash assistance (btw, the cash was
barely enough to pay rent in a one room studio with a hot plate for the both
of us)... for the first 2 years i was able to get by without loans, when i
transferred to the UC system the tution was higher so i had to take out
loans...(& they are finally paid off!)

i recall being deeply ashamed of resorting to welfare as i'd grown up in a
family that looked down on that kind of thing (east coast republicans but
they've since changed!)- & still, there is a part of me that finds it hard
to admit...

i was even investigated for fraud when someone reported that i was living
with my son's father...which i wasn't & was cleared when they discovered
that i was temporarily living at the home of the father's brother &
girlfriend who kindly gave us a room to stay in because our previous house
had been sold & we couldn't find another place right away...i never could
figure out who reported me but talk about shame on top of shame!!! having to
go through that when you are just struggling to keep all the pieces

i sure learned a lot about how much prejudice there is out there against
single parents...people who didn't want to rent you a house, people didn't
want to give you a job...because you had a child & were divorced...

however, there were many kind people too that came through for
me...especially those at the college which was like entering an alternative
universe- a haven, where like heather said, you were supported & cheered on
for what you were accomplishing- it helped not only with opportunity but
also with self worth...if it wasn't for welfare funds i don't know how i
would have gotten out of the place i was in which on the verge of

like, heather i was one of the many many great success stories...i received
a special award for my workstudy job & was asked to meet with state reps (i
guess as a good example of someone on welfare?), i stayed on the honor roll,
received my degree magna cum laude from a highly regarded institution...all
the time working a job (or more than one oftentimes), carrying a full load,
raising a child...

my story is not unusual, i have known so many women who were & are
incredibly motivated to do well for themselves & their kid(s) & i'm pretty
sure that the money i've made & been taxed on has more than paid back my
debt to the welfare system by now...:}

the welfare reforms that took place several years ago make it so much harder
for women with children (it is largely women who are single parents but
there are some men) to get ahead...recipients are required to work almost
full time while going to school & are given a much shorter period of time to
get some kind of job training & are financially supported in getting a four
year education...

i was lucky that the system that was in place then was so very supportive,
it is so different r now...& like heather said, even then, it was no
picnic...welfare funds are hardly enough to live on so the idea that someone
would want to make a career out of receiving welfare is ludicrous...some
reforms were definately in order but the ones that were made were created by
wealthy white men who had NO clue...

off my soapbox now!

Kate Bennett: www.katebennett.com
Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs
Over the Moon-
"bringing the melancholy world of twilight
to life almost like magic" All Music Guide

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