I never knew that circumcision was so central to the
roots of Chrisianity. Kind of makes sense, though, 
partriarchy that it is. The problem with quoting scripture
is that it is only convincing to those that accept the
Bible as absolute truth, which I do not. To me it is a
historical hodgepodge of different things that ended up
in the same book at a time when literacy was so rare that
it was considered magical. So we will never agree there,
and I could be wrong. There have been whole books written 
about the contradictions in the Bible, and it seems that 
whatever viewpoint a person may have, there is something 
in there to support (or refute) it. I realize I do not have 
a millionth of the knowledge of the Bible that you do, 
Vince. In any case, here is the passage from Genesis 17 
that you are referring to

And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord 
appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty 
God; walk in my ways and be blameless. I will establish 
my covenant between me and you and I will make you 
exceedingly numerous. And you shall no longer be called 
Abram, but your name shall be Abraham and I make you 
the father of a multitude of nations. I will make you 
exceedingly fertile and make nations of you and kings shall 
come forth from you. I will maintain my
covenant between me and you to be God to you and your 
offspring to come. I assign the land you sojourn in to 
you and to your offspring to come, all the land of 
Canaan, as an everlasting holding; I will be their God.

God further said to Abraham: As for you, you and your 
offspring to come throughout the ages shall 
keep my covenant. Such shall be the covenant between
me and you and your offspring to follow, which you shall 
keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You 
shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin and that 
shall be the sign of the covenant between me and you. 
And throughout the generations every male among you 
shall be circumcised at the age of eight days. Thus shall 
my covenant be marked in your flesh as an everlasting pact. 
And if any male who is uncircumcised fails to circumcise 
the flesh of his foreskin, that person
shall be cut off from his kin. He has broken my covenant.

Vince said:

> and as far making decisions for babies?
> That argument sways me little.  My parents 

> - they made decisions as to how to feed me, breast or bottle and
> whatever impact that has on child development, whether to read to me,
> whether to comfort me when I cried in my crib or whether to let me cry
> it out, whether to get my my shots which certainly made me cry in pain!
> I can remember wailing when I got my smallpox and polio vaccinations) -

Some decisions are made based on medical or logical or
practical reasons. Some are based on religious beliefs
that the child may or may not retain. I don't see it as
the same thing. I don't think rituals or beliefs should
be foisted on children. Too much like brainwashing, which
I received every Sunday as a child.

> and my sons are circumcised and my grandsons are circumcised and God
> bless the women who authorize the circumcision of the males of my descent!
> Because they bear on their most important body part the mark of the
> covenant of God, the God loves us, 

makes you wonder how God feels about those unfortunate 
enough to have been born where circumcision is not done.
Are they permanantly screwed?

I still have the mark of circumcision.  (Glad I have it as
> explained before, and it also looks better to me, and left me looking
> like all of the other boys in the school shower, a big, big plus at the
> time and even now at the gym).

This is perhaps the only argument in favor that I have
heard that makes some sense. In essence "because everyone
else is doing it". A poor reason to do something, although
peer pressure and acceptance are important to people,
especially the young. 

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